Posts Tagged ‘Crafts’

The Description

Suppose the sample is linked to 32 loops back and the width of 48cm under the scheme. Measure the width of the associated sample between the two edging. Suppose got 13.8 cm Calculation: 30P – 13,8 cm K – 48cm, R = (30h48) / 13.8 = 104, 3 – rounded to the nearest whole 2kromochnye = 104p, a total of 106 loops. Similarly, the number of rows and is only measured, of course, the length of the sample. On schemes is given by the square of the density of the knitting 10smh10sm. Recalculate our sample at 10 cm (30H10) / 13.8 = 21.7, after rounding = 22 = 24 2kromochnye loop.

If the description for your own model of density coincides with the density with which you knit – Lucky for you, and you calmly typed the number of loops specified in the description of the model, and then methodically observe everything that is written. If not the same – there are 2 ways: look for another model with a similar number of loops, or count the number of loops by its density. BUT! It is very important in this case, you need to convert any diminution, adding loops of pattern models which are made in knitting, especially when density differs significantly. Example: In the scheme back to vyvyazyvaniya 48cm dial 115 loops, and we have received, as you remember – 106. This slight discrepancy. With such a divergence is not necessary to convert, you can dial 106 loops, and then knit exactly according to the scheme.

But if the scheme you need to dial 58 loops (and sometimes is), it is better to look for another model, or to count the loops in each operation. For example, in the scheme: “armhole to close the loop 4.” We believe: 58p – 4p 106p – K, K = (106h4) / 58 = 7.3, rounded = 7 loops. BUT! It is very important in the process of knitting, often measure the width of a knitted fabric. Do not despair if you knit 15 cm back, you’ll discover that the painting has turned out wider or narrower inches that way, at 6! There is in it and a positive point: not dismissing fabric, count density knitting again, considering this fabric sample! And start again on the basis of new evidence of density.