
About 90% of these patients they present some degree of anemia during the evolution of the chronic nefropatia, being that the same one could be perceived when the renal function will be below of 50% of normal6. Had the diverse consequences of the chronic renal insufficience (IRC) the objective of this study is had, to verify the prevalence of anemia, dislipidemia and arterial hipertenso in carrying users of IRC in hemodilise. METHODS documentary Study characteristic being the source of restricted collection of data only the handbooks medical of users who were in therapy of hemodilise in a hospital of the city of Cricima- SC. Being that, in this research, it did not have at no moment physical contact with the involved users. They had been part of this group, only handbooks of users who were in hemodialtica therapy at least a 1 one year, of both the sexos and with minimum age of twenty (20) years, with diagnosis of chronic renal insufficience (IRC), independent if the users were interned or not in the health institution. He did not imply in the research case of users who presented diagnosis of some another current medicine pathology and use. For the verification of the tax of dislipidmicos users values of triglicerdeos and corresponding total cholesterol to the last examination had been collected available biochemist in the handbook, that is, January of 2010. The interpretation of the values gotten in relation to the lipdicas fractions was in accordance with the values stipulated III Lines of direction according to Brazilian On Dislipidemias and Preveno of the Aterosclerose, classifying as dislipidmicos all the individuals that will not be adjusted to the values of reference. For the diagnosis of the anemia the components had been collected all gifts in the last eritrograma carried through corresponding to the February month (red globules, hemoglobina, hematcrito, VCM, HCM, CHCM, RDW) e, values of srica ferritina and corresponding srico iron to the month of January of 2010.

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