Archive for August, 2019

Healthylooking Laugh

The dental practice of Neumann Berlin informs tooth stains affect other people compared to the healthy, attractive effect of a smile as well as the naturally lighthearted appearance. Portrays the Neumann’s Berlin dental office, to deal with them through the modern airflow technology. Stubborn discoloration of teeth are often due to the consumption of nicotine, coffee or tea. For the removal of tooth surfaces rich resources available in everyday life not from it must be accessible to professional dental instruments. While here long time mechanical equipment were used, which can not penetrate at all points of a teeth, airflow systems are now the drug of choice in removing plaque.

The plaque removal using airflow takes place within a few minutes by the treatment of the teeth with a jet of water, salt or sand. The powder water machine eliminates plaque and stubborn stains even in places, what with conventional mechanical instruments are not accessible. The treatment is painless, connected due to the use of sodium bicarbonate as an integral part of the powder Jet but usually with an intense lemon flavor for the patient. The removal of plaque deposits removes harmful bacteria in food based and Habitat. Accordingly, the airflow technology contributes to the prevention against tooth decay, Parodontis and other disorders of the teeth and the gum line. The protective tooth enamel is not harmed by the application of airflow.

The conclusion, usually a professional tooth cleaning embedded, treatment makes polishing the teeth with subsequent water fluoridation. The professional tooth cleaning carries, in cooperation with the private dental care, for an effective prevention against diseases of the teeth and gums care and should be for most people one is done twice per year. For the prevention experts of Neumann Berlin dental practice is the permanent preservation of their patient’s dental health a priority.

Qamar Street

“The decision-makers must press a single button at Retoolyzer and it is obvious what net storage space and which carrier is required or must be reserved in the camp”, explains Heike Johannes, product manager Retoolyzer, the added value of the module. ERP systems do not support the storage area for the temporary removal of system components. Therefore, many companies with spreadsheets or the like manage this. This procedure is however error-prone, because at some point in the decision-making process the files temporarily cached. There are the information redundant, thereby mostly renamed a file. Final, valid statements can be difficult to meet on that basis.” However, the user with the Retoolyzer of CSP step by step for information gathering, evaluation and decision-making supported sustainable and based on reliable information.

About CSP GmbH & co. KG: the CSP GmbH & Co. KG was founded in 1991 and specializes in innovative software solutions for manufacturing companies. The company provides to its customers as well as the implementation and customization of standard solutions also comprehensive advice and support. Around the new product line Retoolyzer for the evaluation of retooling projects, CSP offers an extensive range of services companies from all industries. CSP has numerous international reference customers in the industry. Among other things, group, Audi, Daimler, Lufthansa trust BMW technology logistics, Deutsche Telekom, one, General Motors, Volvo, Chrysler, Renault, VW, Porsche and Bosch on the solutions of the company.

Photography Rule

The rule of thirds is the basic rule of composition in photography. If we follow it we can move to capture a photograph without any interest, and mediocre get shocking photographs that will make that the observer stroll view all photography without getting tired of looking at it. What tells us this rule is that the main points of interest of a photograph are four and that these match right in between two imaginary lines horizontal and two vertical equiespaciadas breakpoints. Writing seems so complicated we’ll see a photo that I have drawn these imaginary lines in red. As you can see, the picture is divided into 9 quadrants. I thought that the eye of the graffiti was the main reason for this photograph and therefore wrote it in such a way that this would be fair in the cut between the vertical and the horizontal line.

Of course these lines do not appear when we are taking the picture, but with a little practice it is easy to imagine them when we took the picture. Moreover not necessary, that the Centre of interest of the picture coincides exactly with the cut-off point, simply to be located in that area. The problem is that in many occasions we have a main reason, either it is so great that we cannot include it in a single breakpoint. What we do in these situations is to place the main reason on one of the imaginary lines, in such a way that we have shifted to the sides or up or down by adding interest to the picture. Here’s a sample photo: to see the photographs and the rest of the article visit: If you want to you report by e-mail of each new entry in the basic course of photography without having to be pending when I publish it, leave a comment with your email address or write me to me indicating your address and if you wish to receive the item directly to the mail or simply a link that you will lead to the article on the blog.

New Rules In The Web 2.0 – Reputation Control Important!

Jack Wolfskin fights on the net with claws – recover little Davids to favor once a Markengoliath is aiming to defend his brand image against small Davids and thereby violated the fundamental laws of online reputation management. According to James at the end of August, it is now the outdoor manufacturer Jack Wolfskin, which defends its trademarks with teeth and claws, it gets a bloody nose but increasingly. Bone of contention is the use of paw prints, which are similar to the logo of the company. Jack Wolfskin was earlier known quite rigorously to protect its trademark rights. Got to feel for example even the TAZ. This time it hit the little ones however on the DWanda hand work portal.

On this portal, hobby designers and artists sell their self-made and-entworfenen pads, rompers, scarves or embroidery. And some of them used just paw motifs or patterns, what now doomed them. Jack Wolfskin not only the portal operator warned off, which then promptly the disputed article from the side took the private sellers, including 991 euros costs were provided, but also… From there spread the message about the blog Werbeblogger in rapid speed. In the DWanda Forum find discusses about 200 pages of comments on the issue, in countless blogs and the original article has been commented on already over 600 times and can be found in the Google search for Jack Wolfskin”in a prominent position. Now the big news portals such as SPIEGEL ONLINE, focus online, or the Handelsblatt have become involved.

For the outdoor brand a PR meltdown and for their carefully maintained image a medium-weight catastrophe. The first official reaction of the company per the press release could not appease, but sparked still more head-shaking and public expressions of abandoning previous customers out. No question, you must protect its brand! So good that there are appropriate laws, help. The application of these laws in turn should not be mechanistically operated are, but requires the special Augenmasses. Otherwise there is a risk to destroy more than to preserve. Meanwhile, the company has converted its communication and goes to both the blogger and the Dunned down. Would Jack Wolfskin early not only by lawyers but also by communication professionals advise themselves, had they can save yourself the trouble, is that grass, the marketing agency new Hans-Joachim communication from Kiel, responsible for the online early warning system reputation control, sure. The story to Jack Wolfskin follows the classic pattern of the Streisand effect. While the companies in such situations are not powerless on the contrary. There is a variety of ways to respond to criticism on the Internet and to use it actively for their image. Only there are 2.0 other rules, according to which a brand confronts threats, game on the Web without doing its own reputation on set. “, so grass continues. It is nowadays more than ever is to weigh, to select what communication strategy. Because reputation loss can drastic harm a company and be significantly more expensive for, as so many trademark infringement on a large scale.


About 90% of these patients they present some degree of anemia during the evolution of the chronic nefropatia, being that the same one could be perceived when the renal function will be below of 50% of normal6. Had the diverse consequences of the chronic renal insufficience (IRC) the objective of this study is had, to verify the prevalence of anemia, dislipidemia and arterial hipertenso in carrying users of IRC in hemodilise. METHODS documentary Study characteristic being the source of restricted collection of data only the handbooks medical of users who were in therapy of hemodilise in a hospital of the city of Cricima- SC. Being that, in this research, it did not have at no moment physical contact with the involved users. They had been part of this group, only handbooks of users who were in hemodialtica therapy at least a 1 one year, of both the sexos and with minimum age of twenty (20) years, with diagnosis of chronic renal insufficience (IRC), independent if the users were interned or not in the health institution. He did not imply in the research case of users who presented diagnosis of some another current medicine pathology and use. For the verification of the tax of dislipidmicos users values of triglicerdeos and corresponding total cholesterol to the last examination had been collected available biochemist in the handbook, that is, January of 2010. The interpretation of the values gotten in relation to the lipdicas fractions was in accordance with the values stipulated III Lines of direction according to Brazilian On Dislipidemias and Preveno of the Aterosclerose, classifying as dislipidmicos all the individuals that will not be adjusted to the values of reference. For the diagnosis of the anemia the components had been collected all gifts in the last eritrograma carried through corresponding to the February month (red globules, hemoglobina, hematcrito, VCM, HCM, CHCM, RDW) e, values of srica ferritina and corresponding srico iron to the month of January of 2010.