Archive for December, 2016


But, so that the paper of the efficient family either, is necessary that the search for better conditions of life of asperger either the time all strengthened objectifying to reach best resulted the possible one in the familiar and social conviviality of the involved ones. Of the point of view of the familiar participation in the development of strategies that facilitate the behavior of the child with SA, they are the natural forms of if communicating, involving factors of partner-mannering nature, the patience and the affection of the relatives of asperger. Thus, ahead of the difficulties faced for the family, the acceptance and the respect to the son with asperger the familiar ones are the first step in the search of the happiness of all, making with that the love is the propeller spring of the harmony in the home of this child, exactly knowing that its limitations hinder still it to coexist of natural form the people, as much in house how much in the school or the society as a whole. Front to this challenge, we know that the family is the first social group that bases the principles and values of respect, friendship affection, among others important aspects in the life of the people, is these deficient ones or not. In accordance with this assertive one, the affection is the first link between the mother and the son, what it has the power to surpass any difficulty, either this of organic or psychic nature. Ahead of this picture, Winnicott (1983, P. 58) affirms that the mother is the figure that constitutes a paper importantssimo in the development of the affectivity of children with or without deficiency, when discloses that … has an emotional development ' ' primitivo' ' , whose effect, according to it, are of crucial importance for the individual for if to extend stops beyond infancy.