Archive for October, 2015

Web Page Fonts

What are the fonts used on Web pages? What units indicate their size? These are the questions we will answer in this article and give some helpful advice. Typefaces in web design Historically, the Internet are the most common sans serif fonts – that is, without ornamental elements located at the ends of letters. Examples of sans serif fonts are Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, etc. Examples of serif fonts – Times New Roman, Courier New, etc. on the monitors with a low resolution and with larger pixels, sans-serif read and scales much better than serif fonts. Therefore, during the layout of sites, most designers typically use sans serif fonts. Fonts with serifs used in web design or for ornamental purposes, or to highlight some specific elements (eg headings).

Font sizes, fonts on web pages should not be either too small or too large. The optimum size of the font in text boxes 9-11 pt or 10-14 px. Should not be used on the same page a lot of different options of sizes, colors and typeface. In most cases this makes the perception of the page and just looks ugly. Developed several variants of faces: for titles at various levels, for normal text, selected text, for comments, quotes, etc. Do not do the same for the functional unit different on the headset and the font size. Observe the unity of style.

If you want something to provide better use color or parameters such as fat or italics. During the layout of web pages are best indicate font sizes in pixels (px), so you can avoid the problems associated with the font size is adjustable in the Windows operating system and preserve the appearance of the site the same for all your web browser and operating system. Something More about the fonts 1. To insert a piece of code that is best suited monospace font Courier – every character of this font is the same width, so the code is read of course, retains all necessary structural indentation in your code. On the possibilities of automatic syntax highlighting of code can read the article: syntax highlighting of code to be displayed on web pages. 2. For better perception of long texts recommended to increase the line spacing. This is done setting line-height in css, which is most convenient to specify a percentage. For example, line-height: 100% – the lines will be tightly nalepleny to each other, and the line-height: 150% – already provides the necessary negative pressure between the lines and the long text will be easier to read. 3. Of advert Try to use only those fonts that have all users. Use of unconventional and rare fonts can lead to what the user sees the page is not so, as you see it, it will be disappointed.