Archive for December, 2013

Investment Planning

Planning as an important link management includes the preparation and adoption on the basis of selected parameters of managerial decisions related to the future development of the enterprise. The main requirement for the system planning – is his focus, that is, the systematic formulation and preparation necessary to achieve activities. In other words, this process of elaboration and adoption of various plans (industrial, financial and investment). A special place in the overall control system takes financial planning, which is a complex process of forecasting cash receipts and payments businesses. With a deficit or surplus payment of financial planning helps to identify and select the most effective in terms of payment options for making business transactions. It can be represented as a flow planning means of payment and payment for the obligations of enterprises in the context of the following areas: the forecast cash flows (inflows and outflows of cash), the definition of essential facility investments by the company in whole and for individual investment projects; forecast sources of investment financing (internal and external).

In contrast, financial, investment planning under the training and understand the decision-making on targets, timetables, costs and financial results for the implemented projects included in capital budget. Investment planning has several features that should be considered in decision management decisions. Investment project is scheduled regularly, so revenues are also obtained irregularly – after their commissioning, and reaching its design capacity. It is therefore necessary to consider temporary (Time), in which the ratio of cash payments and receipts would be comparable. 3.Information associated with the planning of long-term investment periods (steps in the billing period) goes to the enterprise managers. It is confidential. If for any planned investment in specific projects need to decide on external financing, such information (as part of the business plan of the project) can be provided to external users (investors and creditors). 4.

High level of risk associated with the adoption and implementation of long-term investment projects. Basis for planning and starting point is strategic plan that reflects the objectives, development strategy for the long term, ways of its implementation to ensure financial stability, solvency, profitability of its operations and other parameters for the planning period. This document gives a detailed and structured description of the sequence of actions to achieve long-term goals, quantifiable (for example, growth sales and profits, return on assets, equity and investment, share price). Characterized by noting that the investment activities of enterprises difficult: the lack of development strategies, structured and integrated approach to the investment process, as well as its lack of economic justification. Therefore, to ensure the realization of strategic objectives businesses, developers advisable to introduce a comprehensive system of planning, analyzing and monitoring the main indicators of investment activity in the medium and long term. To more effectively investment project management plans for their implementation is split into multiple budgets that are more short-term performance (monthly, quarterly, annually), which provides a greater opportunity to adjust the composite Plan a real investment. Successful implementation of investment planning and budgeting system depends primarily on the quality of all the management at the factory. Therefore, in order to achieve a high level investment management appropriate to implement such a control system, where each level of management will closely match the responsibilities and powers. As a tool use a system of budgetary management of investment activity, which provides an integrated approach for the coordination of procedures for developing, reviewing, implementing and monitoring of budgets.

Ramon Ortiz Venezuelan

Moreover and in reverse, chaos is the source of the order, thanks to the intervention in the process, what is known as a strange attractor, as the whirlwinds that are forming in a torrential flow, or images, concepts and thoughts of all gender and origin which are crowded, attract and reject simultaneously in the processes of creativity. In both examples, the chaotic confluence of the parties created a logical and coherent whole: a river or an idea. Chaos usually evoke the idea of disorder, and often both concepts are often used as synonyms. This happens with the vulgar idea of the phenomenon both in physical science, in which, from thermodynamics, chaos evokes a phenomenon of absolute disorder and has been seen and treated by the concept of entropy, a concept that we have already addressed previously and that has made it possible to measure the phenomenon. Found in the concept of active chaos of Prigogine. And even in the new theories persists a marked tendency to this use of the term, as you can check easily by reading the works of its best-known authors that we have already quoted above, with emphasis on Chapter 1 (Venezuela and the laws of chaos). Understanding chaos as a disorder is considered according to the order. This represents a Copernican view of reality, in the sense of chaos that is defined from the established order, it does not mean that it is from the reality, and this is deeply the complexity reducer. But is that chaos can be anything other than clutter? Jose Ramon Ortiz Venezuelan writer and mathematician 1, has sharply written that chaos, which appears at the base of all management of the world, not to be confused with the disorder, because this can be envisaged only from an order and chaos is a State prior to any idea both order and disorder.

The Radio

Another important factor is as the machine of the cultural industry if it organizes and it controls the individual: it emphasizes the effectiveness of its products, it determines the consumption, instead of disponibilizar and giving autonomy to the consumer. In such a way, it desconstri the personality of the individuals and impose it behaviors spread out through mass measured. Adornment neglects when attributing that the individuals in its totality are puppets, dominated and manipulated, forgetting that the people have reserves and discernimentos. The development of the technique instead of being a way of emancipation them individuals, acts as domination instrument. The industrial society possesss marcantes characteristics, as rational and standardized action, from science. Thus, costuma to say that the market produces public for its merchandises and not opposing it, on account of this planning. These evidences are corroborated with the liberal capitalist ideology (individual). The cultural industry imposes ' ' products prontos' ' , without the necessity that the individual needs to reason very to understand them, contributing for the maintenance and domination on the part of the system (Horkheimer? Adornment).

The messages spread out for mass measured are the consequence of the information and the interests of the ruling classes. Adornment perceived something recurrent in the current days: programs that search the reaction of the public, with the espetacularizao of the images, that beiram the mediocrity and the poverty of the content. MERCHANDISE CULTURE Adornment analyzes that medias as the radio and the cinema had lost its value of art, its basic function to satisfy the system capitalist, submitting it its sponsors and, thus, emptying and empobrecendo its content. It makes responsible the cultural industry for the repetitive and needy production, what it causes the rejection of the consumers. The advertising acts as a reinforcement of the values and the ideology, masked for cultural goods. One of the used mechanisms advertising executives is the repetition, to make familiar and to stimulate the consumption.