Archive for July, 2012

Structural Terms

Through this our study we go to be studying as the Internet functions in structural and economic terms. We go to see here the phenomenon of the social nets, sites of collective purchases and which paper of the professional of web ahead of this new scene that if draws with the Internet of the second decade of century XXI. The undeniable fact that the Internet comes if showing as a great advance that pass of the technological field and go to the field politician as seen nowadays with movements as the Arab spring, movements in the Europe and United States against the wild capitalism among others movements politicians whom if they form to apartir of great social nets in the Internet. Beyond this ideological question that we do not go very abiding in them here in this study we also have the great economic asceno that the calls startups or enterprises of high impact are propitiating the global economy. We understand here as Startups or enterprises of high impact companies who manage nets social, sites of collective purchases and diverse enterprises that have as main characteristic the innovation and atuaoa in calls niches of markets that is markets never before explored by companies as for example the social nets that I eat the name say propitiate social relationships thus making possible the socialization of the Internet. In social terms with the asceno each bigger time of the social nets changes the paper of the calls social classrooms with this all the social classrooms has access the information formations onlines making possible that these classrooms move of life. However the capacity criticizes of the Internet still and something unbalanced in social terms Ahead of all these phenomena social and economic politicians whom if it lives deeply through the Internet appears a question: Who anger to be responsible for the structural development of the Internet in the next years? Before answering to this question we go to say a little on estrutrua technique of the Internet in itself.